Gardening: The Purple Bearded Iris

Gardening - Bearded Iris in PurpleHow many of you enjoy gardening? I know I do! About 4 1/2 years ago I planted a slew of Bearded Iris flower bulbs around our property. Some of them will bloom purple, blue/purple, peach or orange. I love the colors that you can find them in and they’re super easy to grow!

This past spring (2016) we have had a lot of rainy weather, cooler than normal temps and tons of cloudy days. Sigh…usually by now we are heating up around here, but not this year! I think Mother Nature forgot that we are now almost into the official start of Summer!

Gardening - Purple Bearded Iris

This gardening season my Bearded Iris’ all bloomed almost 3 weeks late. Usually they bloom for me in late April or very early May. This year though…it was May 18th until we saw the first bloom and then by the end of the month…they were all done.

On one particular morning on a cloudy day we had some rain showers move through the area. I love looking at my flowers after we have had a rain shower and I particularly love seeing the rain drops sitting on the velvety petals of the flowers. Most of the time I have a hard time capturing it with my camera, but thankfully my Samsung picked up those water droplets pretty good this time.

How are your late spring flower gardens doing this year? Do you grow any Bearded Iris’ and do you have a favorite color or variety that you like to grow?

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