Victorian Oceanfront Homes in Cape May

Victorian Oceanfront Homes in Cape MayWe love visiting southern New Jersey and do so several times ever year. We particularly love the Stone Harbor, Wildwood and Cape May areas. If you’ve never visited Cape May, it’s world known for it’s beautiful Victorian-style homes and many of them are oceanfront or within a few blocks of being oceanfront.

These homes are absolutely gorgeous to see! They are super large and many of them have been turned into guest homes and local B&B’s (bread and breakfast inns).  Some of them are painted in wild Victorian colors like purple, pink, lavender, red and so forth. Those are very interesting to see and I’ll get photos of them next time we are there.

Anyway, the photo above shows a row of these Victorian mansions and all of these are ocean front. This means that there is nothing in front of them besides the road, then the beach and the Atlantic Ocean. These people have gorgeous views of the water and sand for sure!

As we were driving along I realized that all of these super-large ocean front homes were 3 or 4 stories tall with beautifully manicured lawns! All of these homes sell for a million plus…none are less than that in this particular area. Can you even imagine having to clean one of those homes on a weekly basis? Yikes, I would be hiring housekeepers for sure and If I could afford a million dollar home, I’m sure I could afford cleaning help too! Ha!

Anyway, for my almost wordless Wednesday travel post for this week, I wanted to give you a little peek into some of the gorgeous oceanfront homes in Cape May, New Jersey. Have you ever visited the area?

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