Purex plus Clorox2 Stain Fighting Detergent: Help for 100 Tough Stains

purex plus clorox 2 laundry detergentUnlike most people, I love doing my family’s laundry. I take great pride in washing their clothes, getting the stains out and ending up with fresh & clean smelling items. Seriously, out of most of the household chores, I prefer doing the laundry!

Recently I was introduced to the new Purex plus Clorox 2 Liquid Laundry Detergent. This new detergent works on cleaning the laundry and it works on removing 100 stains! It’s safe for use on your colors and/or your whites.

What makes this laundry detergent work so well? It contains an extra powerful boost of Clorox 2 stain fighters and is formulated to remove the toughest stains. As someone who has sensitive skin, I appreciate that it’s bleach free!

Purex plus Clorox 2 Laundry Detergent

Purex plus Clorox 2 detergent contains 3 stain-fighting enzymes to remove 100 stains:

* Removes starchy stains like chocolate and tomato sauce.
* Removes protein-based stains like grass and blood.
* Removes food stains that use guar gum like ice cream & BBQ sauce.

For the past 2 weeks we’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors. We just put in a new above-ground swimming pool and planted a large backyard garden. Our clothing and bath linens have taken a serious beating the past 2 weeks with dirt and grime! I can’t remember the last time our clothing has gotten this dirty!

To test out the new Purex plus Clorox 2 Detergent, I decided to wash 3 loads of laundry using the product. One load was our white and ivory bath linens, the second load was our colored clothing and the third load was our dark clothing. All of the clothing were items we worn throughout the past week while working outside. They were filthy dirty!

Purex plus Clorox 2 Laundry Detergent

Our Laundry-Washing Results:

The load of bath linens came out sparkling white! Matter of fact, they were brighter than they had been in a long time! Impressive!

The load with our colored clothing came out fantastic too! Our colors where bright and the ketchup stain on my husband’s light blue t-shirt was completely gone!

The third load was the dirtiest out of the three. My husband had dried on mud & dirt on his black shorts, black t-shirt, denim shorts and a navy blue tee that he had worn while working in the garden last week. Matter of fact, the clothing had more dirty areas on them than clean areas. When I took them out of the washer I was pleasantly surprised to see clean-looking clothing again! You would of never guessed that he had worn them while doing yard work & gardening earlier in the week! Wow!

Purex plus Clorox 2 Laundry Detergent

On top of everything coming out of the laundry being super clean…everything smelled fresh! The nasty odors were gone too! This new laundry detergent went beyond my expectations and is absolutely fantastic at removing stains, dirt, grime and odors!

Giveaway: One lucky winner is going to win a FREE product coupon for Purex plus Clorox 2 Liquid Laundry Detergent. The coupon will be postal-mailed to the winner once the giveaway has concluded. You can take it to your local store to pick up a free bottle to try out in your own home! Yay!

Giveaway Details: This giveaway is open to residents of the US ONLY age 18 and over. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering. This giveaway will close on June 7th, 2016 at 11:59 pm EST time. No purchase necessary to enter or win.

Disclaimer: Shelly H. received a complimentary product to feature & review on this blog. No monetary compensation was received. Shelly’s thoughts, opinions and words about the product are 100% her own, unbiased opinion. We are not responsible for injury or mis-use of any products won from the The Classy Chics Blog. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways. Thanks!


  1. Brandi Dawn says

    I do not mind doing laundry but I hate folding it! My tip is to let it soak!

  2. I’m following Purex on Instagram as notheranneother.

  3. Lesley F says

    I follow the company on instagram @lesley517

  4. Lesley F says

    I re-pinned the Rechargeable Wireless Motion Sensor LED Night Light pin

  5. Lesley F says

    Hate doing laundry and I pre-soak

  6. Angela Saver says

    My best tip for getting strains out is to treat them immediately with a stain remover so they don’t set. I don’t mind doing laundry. Much better than cleaning bathrooms.

  7. For bad stains, I treat them right away with clorox 2 and wash them.
    I don’t like doing it because it’s like 20 loads a week.

  8. I don’t mind laundry. Mustard and grass are such hard stains to get out. I use lots of soap 🙂

  9. I just repinned your pin “A Quick Guide to Bone Broth: What it is, What it’s for, How to Use it, and Where…”

  10. Tanya White says

    I pretreat stains with laundry soap and I don’t mind doing laundry.

  11. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I followed Purex on Instagram as jopb490

  12. aaron reck says

    Borax and baking soda does a really good job at getting the stains out of the dirty clothes.

  13. Steve Weber says

    I usually pre-treat all the tough stains with a bleach pen

  14. Laura Collins says

    My tip is circle the stain with a p9ece of chalk so you remember where it is.

  15. Jerry Marquardt says

    My worst stain is whenever mustard gets on something. It just won’t come out. I think it damages the colorfast dye.

  16. Sherry Compton says

    I repinned Visiting Natural and Man-Made Waterfalls – The Classy Chics

  17. I have learned to not hate doing laundry. How I do this I do 1 wash every single day. If you just tackle one load a day you will never be overwhelmed by it. No more piles and yucky smells.

  18. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I repinned this Purex plus Clorox2 Stain Fighting Detergent: Help for 100 Tough Stains onto my Pinterest giveaways board

  19. Sherry Compton says

    My tip is like most…treat as soon as possible. I like to scrub in some Spray n Wash with a toothbrush and let sit overnight before washing. I admit, my daughter is grown and lives at home; she does our household laundry.

  20. Margot C says

    I re-pinned your Orange-Flavored Chocolate Mousse Recipe pin.

  21. Margot C says

    I follow @Purex on Instagram where I am @margotcore

  22. coffee stains or Grass stains

  23. Coffee stains or soda pop stains

  24. Mary Cloud says

    I love doing laundry. My #1 tip for stain removal is use Dawn dish soap to pretreat greasy food stains

  25. My best tip is to rinse the stain really well before it has time to set. I don’t mind doing laundry, but I hate putting it away.

  26. Repinned Slow Cooker Baby Back Ribs Recipe for Busy Cooks.

  27. Following purex on Instagram {cherylfahling}.

  28. I hate doing laundry. I use Shout for stains.

  29. I spot the stains with oxi clean works well.

  30. My tip is to always pretreat stains..No, I do not enjoy doing laundry! It’s a never ending chore

  31. Jennifer Heintz says

    Doing laundry is one of my least favorite chores, and generally my husband does it. The best tip I can give for stain removal is to get at it immediately if you can. Don’t let it set.

  32. Julie Lundstrom says

    I deal with coffee stains or soda pop stains the most.

  33. Seyma Shabbir says

    TO do it quickly, do not let a stain sit on clothes for too long. Presoak clothes and use baking soda/vingear to refresh your washer machine.

  34. Anne perry says

    I follow purex on instagram perryannee

  35. Anne perry says

    I do not mind doing laundry, for stains I use Buncha Farmer’s stain stick.

  36. When it comes to laundry my number one tip is to pre-treat a stain. I really don’t mind doing laundry as long as I keep up on it.

  37. Nannypanpan says

    Like doing laundry hate putting it away. My tip is to use a pretreated overnight on tough stains

  38. My one tip is to treat it right away. I usually don’t mind doing laundry but it’s always hard to put it away since the kids are usually sleeping when I finally get around to it!

  39. nikki m. says

    I don’t mind doing laundry for the most part. My husband is a nurse so he wears scrubs 5 days out of the week. A lot of stain removal on his scrubs has just been trial and error. Get to the stain as soon as possible to pre-treat it seems to be the best thing.

  40. Geez, I wish I did have some good tips for removing stains. I pretty much just pretreat them, then check them when the wash is done; if the stain is still visible, I don’t put the garment in the dryer, which would further set the stain. Doing the laundry is one of the few household tasks I don’t mind, although carrying the full baskets of clean clothes back up the stairs is difficult for me.

  41. A good tip is to take care of it right when you see it, don’t wait!

  42. I repined the orange flavored chocolate mousse recipe.

  43. Patricia Wojnar Crowley says

    Pre-treat the stains as soon as you can after it happens. I used a mix of white vinegar and dawn for tough stains.

  44. I don’t mind doing laundry at all. I do find that doing a presoak for especially bad stains often helps. Never heard about alcohol for a pen stain but I am sure going to give that a try.

  45. Susan Hartman says

    I try to put stain spray on the stain as soon as possible. I don’t mind doing the wash. There are worse jobs to be done1

  46. bill norris says

    pretreat using a stain remover.

  47. Margot C says

    I sort of like doing laundry; it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. Number one stain tip! ALWAYS wash fabrics stained with protein (wine, blood for example) in cold water.

  48. I pinned Pistachio and Chocolate Dipped Strawberries Recipe!!! Yum!

  49. I like doing laundry, but I don’t have my own washer or dryer, so it isn’t as fun. I used to have a clothes line and I loved hanging clothes out to dry. I soak many items for a couple of days before giving them a final washing, it seems to make my clothes last longer – also I don’t dry them in the dryer, that degrades fabric much faster.

  50. Patricia says

    Treat the stain as soon as possible. I don’t mind doing the laundry, but I do hate putting it all away.

  51. I shared this pin on 05/09/2016 champagne margaritas-

  52. I Follow the company on Instagram-

  53. I actually use a cheap liquid stain remover that I buy at our local Dollar Tree store that works just as well as the more expensive brands in removing many of our tough stains. I do not mind doing the laundry, it’s folding it and putting it all away the is no fun at all-

  54. I follow Purex on Instagram as 1froglegs

  55. My best tip for removing stains is to get to them before they dry. Many food stains will rinse out with just water. Things like grass and ink are difficult no matter what, but if it is food, get it right away.

  56. Dana Rodriguez says

    I liked/repinned Roasted Lemon Herb Garlic Chicken Recipe.

  57. Dana Rodriguez says

    I don’t really mind doing laundry. I pre treat and soak stains.

  58. Debbie Yoder says

    My tip is to use a stain fighting spray, let it sit on the stain,then prewash,I dont mind doing laundry at all!

  59. Darlene Carbajal says

    I don’t mind doing laundry. My #1 tip is to use a stain fighting spray and let that set into the stain before washing.

  60. Soha Molina says

    My #1 stain is food stains.

  61. I actually don’t mind doing laundry. I don’t know any special tricks for stains, I usually just use a pre-treating spray and hope for the best!

  62. rochelle haynes says

    Do not mind doing laundry my tip is to use baking soda to keep your cloths
    and machine fresh

  63. rochelle haynes says

    I pinned this purex giveaway

  64. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I don’t mind doing laundry. My #1 tip is use alcohol for a pen stain and hydrogen peroxide for blood.