Mailbox Monday – Week of May 2nd

Every Monday, we love to share some of the neat things we got in our mailbox the previous week and we encourage all of you to tell us about the special things you got too! These special things can be gifts you received, special greeting cards or giveaways you won on the web! What about all of the freebies that showed up?

Sorry guys, it’s been awhile since I posted a Mailbox Monday and I apologize for that.

TwoClassyChics T-Shirt

Shelly – Well, I got a TheClassyChics logo t-shirt in the mail last week from a company to thank me for publishing a post on a special contest they were hosting. I think the tee is adorable with the blog logo on the front. I don’t mind posting things like that for companies as long as I get something in return. In addition, hubby entered a giveaway on another blog and won this adorable nature-inspired necklace. He’s going to give it to the Princess later this month for her Birthday. We got her a new laundry basket for her bedroom & we are filling it up with her Birthday gifts.

So, what did you get in your mailbox last week? We want to hear about all of those fabulous things that you won, freebies & samples that you snagged or gifts that you received. With that said…we don’t want to hear about your bills!

Shelly's Signature