Do You Want To Experience Success in Your Life? Make This Shift!

Paradigms are a collection of habits and activities that you perform. They are numerous in your life and actually control every single thing that you do. They control the way you think, the way you work and even your what you do in your free time. Your paradigms are in complete control over the success that you achieve in life as well as the failures and how you react to both. In most cases, your paradigms are not self created. They were instilled in you as you grew up by your family, your friends and all the people around you. You accepted them and utilize them as the compass of your life.

When you have negative paradigms controlling you, you will keep making the same mistakes and achieving the same level of performance all the time. Do you feel as though you get close and then your dreams are just out of reach? Are you still chasing the same goals you had years ago with no success at all? Do you ever wonder what is wrong with you? According to Bob Proctor, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. The main problem is your paradigms. You need a bob proctor paradigm shift.

How do you do it?

When you perform some paradigm shifts in your life, the results are dramatic and amazing. How do you do this? It is actually pretty simple. All you have to do is to find a new paradigm and lay it directly over the old, faulty one. For example, you can go from saying “I am unable to achieve $40,000 per year” to saying “I am able to achieve $100,000 per year”. When you are able to lay a new paradigm over the old one, you will experience the power of such a shift. In addition to that, your mind will be opened to new sources of:

* Power
* Opportunities
* Potential

If you want to set your paradigms such that they cause you to generate more wealth, it is entirely possible. You can begin by analyzing all the paradigms in your life that affect your mindset about money. After that, lay new, positive paradigms over those so as to create a situation of abundance instead of limits.

Experience a permanent change in your life

Negative paradigms are essentially made of limiting ideas. These ideas have interlinked to create a barrier that prevents you from achieving and attaining your dreams. Beat them with positive thoughts. Constantly drum these positive thoughts into your mind until they become a foundation for you. After you conduct this, you can observe gradual, permanent change in your life.


Bob Proctor has pointed out that paradigms are responsible for the results and experiences that we have in our lives. Negative ones bring about pain and limitation. You can break and disable them by fostering new, formidable and positive paradigms. This will dramatically change your life for the better.