Spring Gardening – Early Bloomers

Grape HyacinthsI’m not a fan of winter at all and always find that season of the year depressing. Matter of fact, as soon as winter starts, I start counting down to the first day of Spring!

Spring has finally arrived here on the northeast coast and I was pretty excited to see it’s first signs on Monday, March 21st. Usually I see my daffodils popping up out of the ground around March 10th or so…but this year, my flowers are obviously a little behind.

Yellow Daffodils

Every Spring season the first two flowers that I see pop up in my garden are my daffodils and my mini grape hyacinths. I’m not sure why they call them mini grape hyacinths around here because they aren’t hyacinths at all. I’m not sure of their proper names and will have to do some research on that.

My daffodils (miniature and full-size) along with those grape hyacinths are my first spring bloomers every year and they will typically bloom for 2 to 2 1/2 weeks. Once they are done…I will see my regular hyacinths and tulips popping up next.

Two-Tone Daffodils

When you plan out your flower beds it’s always important to plant a variety of flowers that bloom at different times, that way you’ll always have something blooming throughout your growing and gardening season. Here in the northeast, that means that daffodils and grape hyacinths are GREAT choices for your first bloomers.

If you are looking for second bloomers, I would recommend tulips and hyacinths which typically start blooming just as your first bloomers are ending. I plant both inter-changeably in my flower beds that way I always have something in bloom from mid March through Mid April.

Once they are done…then my late Spring and early Summer flowers start coming in. I’ll tell you more about those in a new post later next month. I love flower gardening and veggie gardening and this year I’ll be sharing some gardening tips with all of you here on the blog.

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