Happy Easter!

lily and cross https://twoclassychics.com/2014/04/happy-easter-two-classy-chics-team/I wanted to take a few minutes this morning out of the holiday to wish everyone a Happy Easter! Today is one of my favorite holidays for many reasons…including the real meaning behind the holiday and a chance to spend some time with my family.

Every year for Easter we are treated to my husband’s cherry glazed ham and a delicious ham gravy that my son-in-law makes! I always leave the creamy mashed potatoes & broccoli salad up to my daughter to make and I do the 2-3 desserts, homemade dinner rolls, creamy corn, veggie tray with dip, etc. Cooking for the holiday is a family affair here!

What do you enjoy making or eating for the Easter holiday? Do you typically enjoy the holiday at home or do you go out?

This year is my little 6 1/2 month old grandson’s first Easter and Jenelle took him to see the Easter Bunny for the first time. He didn’t know what to make of him and wasn’t too thrilled to meet him. My almost 7 year old grand daughter was thrilled to see Easter Bunny this year and will be told as soon as Easter is over the truth about the holiday. So, this will be her last year for that. She did have fun attending 2 different Easter egg hunts this year.

Anyway, Happy Easter 2016 and I hope you all enjoy the holiday.

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