Cape May Harbor in New Jersey

Cape May Harbor in New JerseyI love all of these weekly “almost” Wordless Wednesday posts because it allows readers to get a small glimpse into my everyday life, the things I like to see & do and a little peek at my family. It’s a great way for you to get to know me a little bit better!

Today I am sharing with all of you a photo that I took during the Fall of 2015 when we were down at our beach house in Wildwood New Jersey. Wildwood is about 15 minutes (by car) from downtown Cape May.

When we drive from the beach house down to Cape May for the day we like to take the scenic route which allows you to see a lot of the waterfront areas and some of the back-bay areas along the way.

On our little journey we like to do a little sightseeing and enjoy parking our car & getting out to sit and watch the boats & ships in the Cape May Harbor. Many of the fishing vessels go in and out of there all day long! Some of them are quite large in size and others are you classic style shrimper & crab boats.

On this particular day they were quite busy and we got to see a lot of the deep sea fishing boats going in & out of the Cape May Harbor. I could seriously sit there for hours watching them come & go if I could!

Anyway, I’m featuring this photo today for all of you and the weekly “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post. Enjoy!

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