Teleflora Saves Valentine’s Day + $100 Gift Card Giveaway #WhatIsLove

Teleflora Love Note Concierge
This blog post is in partnership with Teleflora.

Love is already in the air as they prepare for Valentine’s Day at Teleflora. Words are hard. They can help. Teleflora Love Note Concierge (844-IT-IS-LOVE) is launching just in time to save Valentine’s Day. This free, new service is available for one week only (February 3rd-12th, 2016) to inspire individuals to pen a love note for their Valentine.

For one week, the Teleflora Love Note Concierge will have a team of professional Love Note Experts on-call to help coach individuals on finding their arsenal of words to perfectly pen a loving sentiment that celebrates the special individuals in their lives, whether it’s their husband or wife, mother, sister, or friend.

For more than 80 years, Teleflora, the world’s leading flower delivery service, has delivered flowers to millions of Valentine’s across America. Every year, while ordering beautiful bouquets gets easier, consumers struggle to craft that personal, special and important accompanying note! Now, thanks to the talented, thoughtful team at Teleflora’s “Love Note Concierge,” writing the perfect sentiment is easier than ever with a personal coach to help you express everything you want to say to your loved one. And there’s no charge, no purchase, no strings, just words of love!

Teleflora’s breathtaking new collection of 2016 Valentine’s Day bouquets make expressing your one-of-a-kind love so easy and meaningful. All of Teleflora’s sweet and stunning Valentine’s Day 2016 bouquets are available on Teleflora beginning January 25, 2016.

Teleflora’s Pair of Hearts Bouquet

Teleflora’s Pair of Hearts Bouquet
For your soul mate, the symbolism of these two perfect connecting hearts wrapped around this glistening hand-glazed ceramic vase is the perfect match. Celebrate your Valentine with this gorgeous bouquet filled with red roses, red carnations and white alstroemeria that is ideal for expressing your heartfelt love and appreciation.

Teleflora’s Wrapped with Passion Bouquet

Teleflora’s Wrapped with Passion Bouquet
The ultimate in Valentine’s Day luxury, WOW your love with dramatic long-stemmed roses and fragrant pink stargazer lilies that is gorgeously arranged in a graceful hand blown Italian, art glass-inspired vase with a sparkling, hand-applied glass ribbon. Your thought and emotions are sure to win their heart!

Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts Bouquet

Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts Bouquet
Playful and sweet for mother, daughter or friend, dazzle and delight with this cheerful 2-in-1 floral gift. Cheerful peach, pink and red spray roses bountifully flutter amongst hand-painted watercolor hearts that dance across this oversized food-safe mug that is sure to deliver long-lasting enjoyment.

Teleflora’s Best Friends Forever Bouquet

Teleflora’s Best Friends Forever Bouquet
Share memories, a hug and a smile with your bestie or budding romance with this thoughtful bouquet bursting with stunning red and white roses, miniature carnations, and cushion spray chrysanthemums that is hand-delivered in a glazed ceramic collectible vase with hand-applied heart detail.

Ordering Info: To place an order for a beautifully arranged floral gift, hand-crafted and delivered by a local florist anywhere in the country, visit Plus, sign-up for their email newsletter and receive a money-saving coupon that you can use towards your first order.

Giveaway: One lucky winner is going to win a $100 Teleflora gift card to treat themselves or a loved one to the perfect Valentine’s Day bouquet. Please note, this giveaway ends on February 12th, so you can use the gift card any time (think belated Valentine’s Day, Birthday, Anniversary, etc.)

Giveaway Details: This giveaway is open to residents of the US ONLY age 18 and over. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering. This giveaway will close on February 12th, 2016 at 11:59 pm EST time. No purchase necessary to enter or win.

Disclaimer: This blog post is in partnership with Teleflora. No monetary compensation was received. The Classy Chics are not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from this blog. We are not responsible for injury or mis-use of any products won from the The Classy Chics Blog. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways. Thanks!


  1. Pinned How to Make Homemade Seasoned Dry Bread Crumbs

  2. Jillian Too says

    I would love to have the How Sweet It Is Bouquet. The mix of pink and orange makes for a cheerful display.

  3. I like the Kind Hearts bouquet!

  4. Betsy Barnes says

    I pinned the The Classy Chics – Easy Chicken and Rice Soup Recipe on Pinterest as pinktaz60 🙂

  5. Betsy Barnes says

    My Instagram handle is bbpinktaz 🙂

  6. Jerry Marquardt says

    I pinned: Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts Bouquet | Projects to Try | Pinterest

  7. Jerry Marquardt says

    Instagram follow: versatileeer

  8. Jerry Marquardt says

    I like the Teleflora’s Best Friends Forever Bouquet the most of all of the Teleflora items on the web site.

  9. subscribe email: slehandwc at gmail dot com

  10. Sweet Hawaiian Crock-pot Chicken

  11. I love to try the Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts Bouquet

  12. followed on instagram under loveforcoupons

  13. I pinned Pine Nut Macadamia Ricotta Veggie Towers Recipe

  14. nannypanpan says

    I like how sweet it is

  15. I like the Teleflora’s Garden Of Dreams Bouquet

  16. I like their Fruit and Blooms Basket

  17. I follow Teleflora lesley517

  18. I really like the Teleflora’s Pop Of Fun Bouquet

  19. Priscilla S. says

    I like the Lovely Hearts Bouquet.

  20. Instagram follow: slehan3

  21. I like the Teleflora’s Peaceful Zen Garden.
    Thanks for the contest.

  22. Susan Christy says

    The Shimmering White Bouquet is beautiful!

  23. I would love to get the Endless Romance bouquet.

  24. Jennifer Tilson says

    I’d love to get the Teleflora’s Painted Blossoms Bouquet for my mom for Mother’s Day.

  25. I repinned your Chocolate Chip Blonde Brownies Recipe on Pinterest.

  26. I repinned the Snappers No Bake Mini Cheesecakes Recipe on pinterest as Amy Orvin

  27. Angela Saver says

    I would love to get the Meant To Be Bouquet by Teleflora! It’s beautiful!

  28. Jessica Miller says

    I love the rose rapture

  29. Teleflora’s Best Friends Forever Bouquet.

  30. BRANDI DAWN says

    I repined the Super bowl Party: Baby Back Ribs and Chicken Fingers Recipe.

  31. I like the Teleflora’s Pleasing Purple Bouquet

  32. I love the Fashionista Blooms!

  33. I’d love to have the Be My Love bouquet to send to my mom 🙂 She deserves it!

    I follow on instagram: Tgrov3284

  34. I love the hugs and kisses bouquet. I’d send it to my mom and my hubby’s ex MIL…two amazing women!

  35. Following company on instagram as @alycesmomma

  36. Maria Beas says

    I would love to haveTeleflora’s Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses.

  37. Following teleflora on Instagram {cherylfahling}.

  38. I’d love to haveTeleflora’s Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses.

  39. Susan Hartman says

    I would LOVE zen artistry. Beautiful!

  40. Kristin Goodson says

    I love the fiesta bouquet.

  41. megan tilley says

    I love the joy forever bouquet!

  42. I repined Snappers No Bake Mini Cheesecakes Recipe

  43. Sandy Cain says

    Hello! I am following Teleflora on Instagram with the handle spock7005. Thanks!

  44. I would love to receive the Pair of Hearts bouquet for Valentine’s Day!

  45. amber cheras says

    I would love to surprise someone with the hugs and kisses bouquet.

  46. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I follow Teleflora on Instagram as jopb490

  47. Nancy Loring says

    The Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies is just what i need to help brighten up this dreary winter that we are having.

  48. I love their Little Chickadee arrangement.

  49. I pinned the strawberry sunrise smoothie to a Pinterest board.

  50. I’d like the Garden Romance bouquet.

  51. Betsy Rubendall Barnes says

    I would love to get the Teleflora’s Polka Dots and Posies for my mother 🙂

  52. I’d get the zen artistry for my mom and the polka dot bouquet for my granny

  53. my fave is the Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts Bouquet, i would send it to my grandma

  54. Dawn Monroe says

    I really like the So Happy Your Mine bouquet and the Heart and Soul bouquet. I’m surprised by the amount of options.

  55. Jennifer W says

    I really like the Be My Love bouquet! The lilies and roses together are lovely.

  56. I follow Teleflora on Instagram as upstatemissy.

  57. I love the Joy Forever bouquet, all of the colors make it such a beautiful bouquet.

  58. I would love the Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids!

  59. The How sweet it is looks awesome and reminds me of Jackie Gleason.

  60. I follow them on instagram my name is Suzedoo.

  61. I like the Teleflora’s True Romance Bouquet with Red Roses.

  62. ellen beck says

    Repinned your The Classy Chics Easy Chicken and Rice Soup Recipe. It looks good and easy to make. I wouldnt mind a bowl right now!

  63. I like the Make a Wish bouquet

  64. Dana Rodriguez says

    I repinned the German Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars recipe.Looks so good!

  65. I also love Teleflora’s Pop Of Fun Bouquet

  66. I shared this pin; Spring Sweet Pea Soup Recipe – The Classy Chics

  67. I like the Thoughts of You bouquet.

  68. Many of those that know me realize the importance in choosing this particular vase.Others realize it when they get to know me; I ask prayers be said for myself & entire family! You may, for example, realize that my family has been through a lot in that medically. This is just to establish that of a smile to one of them; knowing that a smile has been sent there way, to make their day!

  69. I repined the chocolate chip blonde brownie recipe.

  70. I love the Fashionista Blooms arrangement 🙂

  71. I RePinned your Chocolate Chip Blonde Brownie Tecipe as katygmorris. Yummy!

  72. I follow on IG as katygmorris.

  73. Wow! They really have some pretty arrangements for Valentine’s Day this year! I especially like their Teleflora’s Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses. The square vase is so cute!

  74. BRANDI DAWN says

    I would love to receive or give the Towering Ficus! What a beautiful plant!

  75. Sandy Cain says

    How I love flowers! My favorite arrangement at Teleflora is the “Fashionista Blooms” Bouquet. All pastel green, yellow and pink, it’s so beautiful!

  76. I like the How Sweet It Is bouquet.

  77. repined pineapple hummus dip recipe

  78. mycraftingworld says

    I pinned the image Earth-Friendly Fashions for the Entire Family

  79. I like the Teleflora’s Grand Gesture floral arrangement. I love calla lilies.

  80. so happy your mine bouquet

  81. Julie Lundstrom says

    I followed Tele Flora on Instagram lundstromjulie.

  82. Julie Lundstrom says

    I really like the So Happy Your Mine bouquet.

  83. Seyma Shabbir says

    I love the Teleflora’s Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses and the Forever Mine by Teleflora Bouquet!

  84. I went to the Teleflora sight and I really love the Fresh Picked Gift Basket on their site it is super adorable.

  85. Teleflora’s Radiant Reflections Bouquet is absolutely beautiful I would love too have tat one. My husband doesnt usuaally do flowers ever so this would be a treat. It would feel like spring in the winter/

  86. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    AS jopb I pinned a Teleflora bouquet under O”Summer Pinterest

  87. soha molina says

    I like Ocean Breeze Spray wreath.

  88. Sherry Compton says

    I pinned your Chocolate Chip Blonde Brownies Recipe.

  89. Sherry Compton says

    So many pretty ones. I like the Teleflora’s Pleasing Purple Bouquet.

  90. I’ve always been a fan of succulents, so I just love Teleflora’s Peaceful Zen Garden. So pretty!

  91. I also love the “How Sweet it is” bouquet!

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  92. I really like So Happy You’re Mine Bouquet by Teleflora

  93. Tamra Phelps says

    I pinned Pecan Cheesecake Squares Recipe from the board Sweet Treats. tamraphe

  94. alicia szemon says

    re-pinned the bark box! my pinterest name is aliciaszemon

  95. alicia szemon says

    instagram name is aliciaaaszemon

  96. Terri Irvin says

    I follow Teleflora on instagram as iterri.

  97. Terri Irvin says

    I would like to give the Teleflora’s Best Friends Forever Bouquet to my best friend who is going through a very hard time now.

  98. I would love to get the Your Special Day arrangement for my mom’s birthday.

  99. I like this beautiful teleflora flowers the most; Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses-

  100. I like the Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses Bouquet.

  101. I follow teleflora on instagram as yarbr012.

  102. I like their Isn’t It Romantic Bouquet…very pretty. Beautiful roses & lilies combination.

  103. Tamra Phelps says

    I followed Teleflora on Instagram, too. @tdp102

  104. Tamra Phelps says

    I might go with a plant. That way you can have it forever. The Good Luck Bamboo plant or the Arboricola are both great!

  105. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I also like the Teleflora Meant To Be Bouquet

  106. I love. I love that you can send someone a surprise.

  107. I like the Brilliant Birthdays bloom bouquet..

  108. mycraftingworld says

    I like the Make a Wish bouquet.

  109. Jennifer Rote says

    I like the Cotton Candy Bouquet/

  110. Dana Rodriguez says

    I also love the Rose Repose plant.So pretty!

  111. I like the Meant To Be Bouquet.

  112. Instagram follower: @amyorvin

  113. I would also love to have the Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage bouquet.

  114. Oh I love the Full of Love bouquet which has roses and tulips in it.

  115. I’d love to get the Lavender Charm Bouquet for my mom 🙂


  116. I like the How Sweet It Is arrangement.