Visiting the National Aquarium in Baltimore

Baltimore Aquarium Inner HarborI love to travel and I’m pretty fortunate that my other job affords me the ability to travel up and down the east coast. On top of that…I’m passionate about visiting various zoos and aquariums.

A few months ago my family had the opportunity to visit The Baltimore Aquarium in Baltimore Maryland. We have been to this aquarium a few times and every time we visit…it gets better & better than the time before. It’s located in downtown Baltimore in an area called Inner Harbor. It’s a great tourist destination!

Baltimore Aquarium Inner Harbor

For my “almost” Wordless Wednesday post for this week…I decided to share with you two photos that I took during that trip. I admit…it’s really hard to get decent photos in there because of the lighting but even so…I like to photograph as much as I can.

Have you ever visited the Baltimore Aquarium at Inner Harbor in Maryland before? If not…I highly recommend it! It’s a wonderful family-friendly place to visit and you’ll some of the most amazing sea creatures while there! Plus…they have some gorgeous birds for you to see too!

Do you enjoy visiting aquariums? If so, do you have a favorite that you like to visit? I would love to hear all about it!

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