The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

Chimps at The Maryland ZooHow many of you have ever visited The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore? If you’ve never been there…let me tell you, it’s a beautiful zoo!

The zoo has just about every animal species that you would ever want to see. They have lions, tigers, bears, zebra, monkeys, chimps, giraffes, ostrich, all kinds of different snakes & reptiles, penguins, fish and tons of different birds! I was pleasantly surprised when we visited at the variety of animals that they had!

Zebra at the Maryland Zoo

We are really lucky to live in south central Pennsylvania which puts us within driving distance of all major cities in our area. We can get to New York City in 2 1/2 hours, Philadelphia in 1 1/2 hours, Pittsburgh in 4 hours, Baltimore in 1 1/2 hours, Atlantic City in 3 hours and so forth.

Today as part of the weekly “Almost” Wordless Wednesday feature I’m sharing two photos with you that I took at The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore. I have to admit…I love watching the primates and the big cats…the best!

So…do you have any favorite zoos? When you visit a zoo…what kind of animals do you like to see?

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