Holiday Treat Ideas for Kids!

How many of you love whipping up some special treats around the holidays that appeal to kids? Okay, I admit, these ideas that I’m featuring today are for us adults to enjoy too! They are really easy-to-make and are perfect for special treats or whip them up for your holiday parties. Which one of these is your favorite? I think I love the little Reindeer personally but the snowmen are adorable too!

These holiday recipes and ideas are courtesy of FamilyFun Magazine.


Pretzel Snowmen Recipe

Melt 1 (12-oz.) bag of white-chocolate melting wafers. Dip 18 pretzel rods in chocolate and spread it over each one with a spoon. Let dry on parchment paper, about 20 minutes. Melt 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips and transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a small plain tip. Pipe eyes, buttons, and twig arms as shown. Let chocolate set, about 10 minutes.

To make top hats, use leftover white chocolate to “glue” together licorice coins and licorice gumdrops. Cut strips of red fruit leather for the scarves and use orange Nerd candies for the noses. Attach all to snowmen with white chocolate. Makes 18.


Reindeer Games Recipe

Serve these adorable appetizers during the holidays, and we guarantee your kids won’t turn up their nose. Create the critters from wedges of plain Laughing Cow cheese. Press on two mini-pretzel antlers. Snip two small pieces from raisins, and roll them into balls for the eyes. Use a round piping tip to cut a nose from a red pepper or a black olive. Assemble—then sit back and watch the crowd light up!

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