Hershey Sweet Lights 2015

Hershey Sweet LightsI think most of the families that I know have some type of holiday family tradition or at least several traditions that they honor throughout the holiday season. My family is no exception. We have lot’s of traditions and every year we look forward to doing them.

Hershey Sweet Lights

For the 4th year in a row my family loaded up in our cars and we all headed down to Hershey Sweet Lights in Hershey Pennsylvania. If you’ve never been there…it’s a really fun family-friendly holiday activity and people all over the middle Atlantic states come to see the holiday lights!

Hershey Sweet Lights

Admission is only $20.00 per car and it takes about 35 to 45 minutes to drive through all of the light displays. Of course…you can go through it quicker but we take our time so that we can really enjoy it.

Hershey Sweet Lights

At the admission gate they will advise you to turn your radio on to a certain channel and you can listen to Christmas music as you drive through. You never get out of your vehicle so you can stay toasty warm or take some throw blankets along and wind those windows down to really soak it all in.

Hershey Sweet Lights

All four of the photos that I’m featuring in my “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post were taken back on December 9th, 2015 when my family took our annual tour through Hershey Sweet Lights! We love visiting it every year and it has become one of the kid’s favorite holiday activities! Fun!!!

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