Is Your Home Truly House Healthy?

People often wonder what they can do to make their houses healthier and more energy efficient. Though it might not be immediately apparent, there are many things a homeowner can do to improve in these vital areas. Among them are upgrading your attic insulation (or getting insulation in the first place, if you haven’t already), looking into thicker curtains and window treatments, buying a new thermostat that will let you program temperatures to optimize your energy use throughout the day, getting fans to better circulate your air, hiring a technician to service your heating and cooling system, checking the seals on your refrigerator, and assessing the quality of the air in your house. Although this list might seem like a lot, all of these steps are important.

Though the scope of the work needed to keep a house in shape is large, don’t fret. Each of these change is relatively minor, and they will add up over time. There may be an initial expense, but it will be offset by the long-term savings. Throughout the entire process, you will also have the satisfaction of knowing that your actions are helping to save the environment.

The infographic below, originally published by Ross & Witmer, provides more details about the needs and benefits of a healthy house. Moreover, it provides you with a set of tips to ensure that your home meets the highest standards of efficiency. Look it over, and think about the ways you can make your own home better while also doing your part for the environment.

Is Your House a Healthy Home

Infographic is courtesy of Ross & Witmer