Craft Project – Clothespin Snowflake Christmas Tree Ornaments

Clothespin Christmas Tree OrnamentFor the past few months I’ve been featuring various craft projects on the blog that you can do with the kids. This one is one you can do with older kids, but you will need to supervise them while they are making them. In addition, you’ll need to do this one outside where you have some fresh air going.

Clothespin Snowflake Christmas Tree Ornaments

6 wooden clothespins
white spray paint
clear spray paint with silver glitter
E6000 adhesive glue
satin ribbon
waxed paper

Clothespin Snowflake Christmas Ornament

Take the wooden clothespins a part. Head outside and lay down a sheet of newspaper, old plastic table cloth or whatever you have on hand. Lay the clothespins down and lightly spray them with the white spray paint. Once dry, flip them over and spray the other side. Continue doing this until all sides are covered in paint and thoroughly dry. Next, spray the wooden clothespins with the silver glitter spray paint and let dry again.

Bring them inside and lay them down onto waxed paper. Using E6000 adhesive is messy and very sticky but it really holds these wooden ornaments together nicely. I found that using hot glue & a glue gun didn’t work out too well.

Clothespin Snowflake Ornaments

Place the clothespins flat sides together and glue into pairs. You’ll need 6 pairs per ornament that you make. Let them dry thoroughly which takes a couple of hours.

Cut a 6″ long piece of ribbon; set aside. Lay out your clothespin pairs into a snowflake shape. Add a dot of glue (E6000) on the rounded side (tip) of each clothespin pair. You are now gluing those pairs together into a circle. When you reach the last pair, slip in the folded piece of satin ribbon (serves as the ornament) hanger and glue into place. Let them sit overnight to thoroughly dry.

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You can make these in any colors that you want. You can hang them on a Christmas tree, use as package toppers or put suction cups in your windows and hang them as holiday window decorations. Fun! You can’t see the glitter in my photos…but it’s definitely there and they look so pretty!

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