Celebrity Waist Trainers: Too Tight or Just Right?


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Who doesn’t want the perfect body or want to feel beautiful? Going to the gym, eating right, and dressing well are pastimes of those who get positive attention. To obtain a great body and look, women seek scores of solutions that are cosmetic. Celebrity waist trainers have gained mainstream attention, and like most beauty solutions, some are fans while others are not advocates.

What Are Waist Trainers?

A waist trainer looks like and functions similar to a corset. Women wear them under their clothes or as part of their outfits. It helps achieve an hourglass shape, sucking in the waist while accentuating the hips and bust areas. While waist trainers have gained modern day attention, corsets have been around for centuries. However, as some suggest, waist trainers are not really corsets. Corsets helped achieve a particular appearance but waist trainers are supposed to do more.

What Are They For?

Some believe waist trainers actually emulate cosmetic surgery in that they help sculpt the body. Yet, a number of people don’t believe it has permanent effects, but only helps shape the body while worn. Moreover, some believe that wearing one actually helps shed fat around the waist. But, others believe there is no credibility to that claim.

Are They a Good Thing?

Some are not advocates of waist trainers, going as far as pointing out a number of concerns. For one, wearing a trainer induces intense sweating, which can result in skin irritation, rashes, and bruising. Also, since trainers constrict the abdomen area, they can contribute to the collapsing of the lungs or make the lungs susceptible to infection. And, wearing such a tight garment while exercising is potentially dangerous since the body needs more oxygen during periods of exertion.

Moreover, compressing the abdomen also affects the lower ribs and internal organs in that area of the body such as the spleen, kidneys, and intestines. Ironically, while waist trainers are supposed to provide support to core muscles, wearing one too much may weaken core muscles. Wearing it too often could actually make the midsection appear flabby and soften the muscles. If you want to cosmetically improve your midsection, read information at KRPlasticSurgery.com.

Who’s Wearing Them?

Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba, and Brooke Burke-Charvet are a few celebrities who have been caught wearing and supporting waist trainers. Since they are such influencers, a number of women have adopted the trend. Brooke Burke liked them so much that she developed her own post-pregnancy wrap called the Tauts Belly Wrap. It is meant to induce sweating so ladies can lose fat quickly from their waist.

Too Tight or Just Right

What is the usefulness of celebrity waist trainers? Well, you’ll have to make that decision for yourself, but don’t be fooled into believing it’s a get-in-shape-quick solution. Yes, it does alter one’s appearance while worn, but trainers do not deliver upon some promises made in advertising. For example, sweating does burn calories, yet should not be chosen over eating healthy and exercising. Moreover, inducing heavy sweating around the waist area doesn’t mean pounds come off there. That is a fallacy similar to believing sit ups will shed stomach fat. Yes, strengthening the abdominals helps build muscle, and building muscle helps burn fat, but the body loses weight in a more balanced way. One can’t target a certain area in the same way they can make a particular muscle group larger.

Dr Kevin Rughe is a highly qualified Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon. He is always pleased to share his thoughts and general insights with an online audience. His articles mainly appear on health blogs.