7 Natural Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Natural Bathroom Cleaning TipsHow many of you enjoy cleaning your bathrooms? I’m sure most of you don’t! I know for myself personally, it’s the room of my home that I like cleaning the least! That’s saying a lot from a self-professed clean freak like me!

With that said, I do like to use natural cleaning products around my home whenever and wherever I can. I will use things like baking soda, Borax, lemon juice, white vinegar, orange citrus oil, microfiber cleaning cloths and other natural cleaning agents.

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Here are 7 Natural Bathroom Cleaning Tips that I use in my own home.

1. Mix together a solution of 50/50 white vinegar with regular tap water in a spray bottle. You can spray this on you mirrors, faucets, sink, tub, toilet, etc. You can use a sponge or a microfiber cloth to wipe up all of the messes.

2. Use baking soda and a toothbrush or other small brush (I use a denture brush that I got at the dollar store which holds up much better than a toothbrush) to scrub your grout, hard water stains and other goo that gets around your faucets and drains.

3. Use Borax or baking soda to clean the toilet bowl! Just sprinkle one of them in the bowl and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then use a toilet brush to loosen things up and flush. If you have any foul odors lingering…put a 1/4 cup of white vinegar into the toilet bowl and let it sit for 15 minutes before flushing. Not fond of vinegar? Any of the citrus oils can be placed (a few drops) into the toilet bowl to freshen things up.

4. Use a dry microfiber cleaning cloth or a jeweler’s polishing cloth to shine up all of your metal bathroom fixtures (faucet, drain, towel bars, light fixtures, etc.)

5. If you want to clean your toilet scrub brush…get a bucket out and fill it halfway with water. Pour in 3/4 to 1 cup of white vinegar and let your scrub brush soak in the solution overnight. Rinse under clean water, air dry and it’s ready to go.

6. Unclog shower heads by soaking them in white vinegar. Remove the head from the shower arm and place the shower head in a bucket with undiluted vinegar. Let it soak for a few hours to remove clogs. Rinse in clean water before reinstalling.

7. Don’t forget to clean the “other” things! Fill up a bucket with a solution of 50/50 water & white vinegar. You can soak hair brushes, bath toys, soap dishes and other items in the solution to clean them. Let items soak for about an hour and then rinse or wipe clean.

In addition to the 7 natural bathroom cleaning tips that I listed above…I also use a handheld steam cleaner and a steam cleaning mop that I got to review last year. I use that to clean my shower doors, shower walls and floor. It uses the power of hot steam to clean and disinfect.

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