Gnoments: Bringing the Magic Back into Relationships

GnomentsRelationships go through many stages; from young love to mature love, we experience a range of emotions from discovery and excitement to friendship and contentment. No matter the stage, relationships require fostering. Let’s face it, we are busy. Between work and friends and family, we get pulled in all different directions and oftentimes we neglect to take the time to do the small things that will make love blossom.


The Gnomes in Gnoments, patent pending, will help your love grow by being a gentle reminder to be thoughtful. How is that possible? Their sheer presence is a reminder of your love. They work best when they have a place in your home and when one is away; it means it is time to play.It is simple, on a busy morning write a quick note and put it in the gnome pouch and quickly hide the gnome in his briefcase. You will surely put a smile on his face at the office. Now the game is on, he’ll want to reciprocate. The question is, will he step up his game? Gnoments offers so many opportunities to easily create thoughtful gestures so grab your Gnoments & make a moment!


Thoughts about Gnoments

I admire the creator of Gnoments; it’s about time someone created something to help keep relationships alive. We come from a very busy society, so it’s hard to take a break from your job, your kids, your pets, etc. Gnoments gives us a change to rekindle the love between ourselves and our partners. It gives us a chance to show our loves how much we care and cherish having them in our lives. The Gnoments kit, priced at $39.95, includes two loving gnomes and a 32-page book filled with ideas to help couples, young and old, create special moments/memories.


The gnomes are super cute and love to stay together (they have magnets in their hands, so they can hold one another). The included book gives you many ways that you can use your gnomes such as suggesting a wine and movie night or apologizing after a fight. Need more ideas? Check out Gnoments social page here. Other couples can give you tons of ideas on how to use your gnomes. You can even get your kids involved…use them for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. The choice is yours.


With Christmas right around the corner, Gnoments is the perfect gift to give any couple. It can also be the perfect gift for weddings, anniversaries or Valentine’s Day. We all need romance in our lives, and Gnoments is the perfect beginning to a happy ending. You can visit the Gnoments site to learn more about them.

Sara Tag

Disclaimer: Sara M. has personally reviewed the product listed above. Sara has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Sara did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.