Kid’s Crafts Airplane Christmas Tree Ornaments

When the kids are cooped up during the cold winter season it’s important to keep them busy. One way we like to keep the Princess busy is by regularly holding arts & crafts play dates. These “dates” don’t have to be an all day long thing…matter of fact, I recommend keeping them 90 minutes or less so that they hold their attention.

On one recent arts & crafts play date she made these adorable wooden clothespin airplanes. It took her less than 90 minutes to make two of them and here is how she did it.

Kids Crafts Clothespin Airplanes

Kid’s Crafts: Wooden Clothespin Airplanes

Wooden Clothespin
Popsicle & Craft Sticks
Craft Paint (2 or more colors)
Paint Brush, Water, Old Butter Tub Lid
Craft Glue
String or Ribbon

Lay down some old newspaper on the table. Use an old plastic butter tub for a water dish and use the lid for a paint palette. Let the kids paint the craft sticks, popsicle sticks and the wooden clothespins any colors that they would like. The Princess opted for two-tone colored airplanes. Let the pain dry for 30 minutes.

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Once everything is dry…let them glue the craft & popsicle sticks onto the wooden clothespins as plane wings. Let dry for 30-45 minutes or let an adult use a hot glue gun which takes only a few minutes. Tie a 6″ piece of string or ribbon around the center body area of the plane (if you want it to be a hanging ornament or omit it if the kids are just playing with their new planes).

That’s it. A quick and in-expensive craft project to do with the kids!

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