Leslie Sansone: Walk to The Hits All Time Favorites DVD

You know what they say – move it or lose it! Okay, I just made that up but it takes on a special meaning to us as we age. It is easy to get complacent and then wonder what the heck happened! Then when it is time to get moving again, it can be tough to know where to start. Using a DVD with easy and effective workouts is a great place to start, especially when they are based on walking; a healthy way to get your bod going again.

Leslie Sansone is a leader in the fitness industry with her walking DVD’s. I was excited to find a new one in my mailbox as I enjoy using her workouts often. Check out the new one that is perfect for getting that heart rate moving!

Leslie Sansone Walk to The Hit All Time Favorites

Leslie Sansone: Walk to The Hits All Time Favorites
DVD Release Date: August 4, 2015
Run Time: 56 minutes

Walk To The Hits features hit music and High Intensity Interval Training (aka HIIT)-it’s the perfect combination! Hit music pumps up your pace, and HIIT training alternates between short bursts of all out effort and longer periods of recovery, allowing you to walk a shorter session while blasting away as many calories as you would in a longer one.

A study published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness showed that women who completed a 12 week HIIT program lost more weight than a group who performed longer sessions of moderate intensity cardio. The HIIT group also LOST MORE BELLY FAT. In short, walking to the hits using HIIT training is a sure-fire way to fire-up your walk!

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My ThoughtsI would consider myself an intermediate walker when it comes to the Leslie DVD’s. I can usually do at least a two mile stint with one of her DVD workouts at one time, and often longer. However, I need to work on walking with her more often to grow my stamina because this new DVD offers a fabulous overall workout that had me huffing and puffing several times!

This DVD opens with a nice warmup and introduction to her 4 normal moves; the walk, side step, knee lifts, and kicks. The program quickly ramps up with awesome music, a fast beat for some HIIT workouts, and some great moves that gets you to use your whole body in a low impact way.

This DVD is broken down into 3 miles that you can do in any order, each one building on itself for a complete workout. When you do the whole dvd start to finish, it just keeps going without any cool downs until the end. It is a continuous 3 miles. I like that. Other DVDs change at each segment.

What I enjoy with her programs is that it is basically the same moves but she adds different twists to them that get you to use your whole body and loads of muscles groups. It makes the DVD easy to follow and you are not having to learn whole routines of steps to do the exercise. A simple and such an effective method to working out.

The music in this DVD is fun and upbeat. The walkers have a great time singing and dancing to the songs and it is inspiring to you too! Having fun while working out really make the chore of it all go away.

If you are looking for a fast paced new way to get moving this fall and winter, you gotta check out the new one from Leslie! It is a sweaty workout that makes you feel great and helps to your body in the end.

Disclaimer: Chris received complimentary product for review purposes. Prize provided by Anchor Bay. All Content on this site is Copyright of the Two Classy Chics – All Rights Reserved.