Are Avocados a Healthy Diet Choice?

Are Avocados a Healthy Diet Choice?

There is a lot of talk about avocados in the news and in the health industry. While we know they are so good, the fact is they are also high in calories too. How can we decide whether avocados are a good food source when you are on watching your calories? Here are some things to know.

* Avocados are loaded in nutrients like potassium, lutein, and folate
* They are richly loaded in Vitamin B, C, and E which are all critical for good health
* Avocados are a fruit low in natural sugars so a good choice for diabetics
* Packed with natural fiber which helps you feel full longer so great for your intestines
* Loaded in fat, but it is monounsaturated fat, which works for the good in your body
* Folate is known for helping with stroke prevention and heart health
* Contain high levels of beta-sitosterol which is known to help lower cholesterol
* The carotenoid lutein works to prevent eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration

And these are just a few of the benefits I found. So the best answer would be that while avocados do have high calories per serving, the health benefits outweigh the calories. One thing you do need to know is that the serving size is usually 1/5 of the fruit, due to the high calories. But that still means you can enjoy this amazing fruit in moderation.

Add Avocados to your salads or top burger or sandwich at lunch time. Add some to your dressing or slice it fresh and enjoy it with a sprinkle of season salt. No matter how you choose to enjoy an avocado, it is a great addition to your eating plan a few times a week. Your body will thank you!

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