Grandchildren are a Blessing with New Baby Pics!
As some of you know…I became a grandmother for the second time back on Saturday September 5th. Baby Jaxon arrived at 10:28 pm and weighed 6 lbs. and 15 oz. He’s got long, thin arms and the cutest long fingers! To top it all off…a full head of dark hair!
After checking him out from head to toe…I think he looks a LOT like his daddy but I do see a little bit of Jenelle in him too. He’s absolutely perfect in every little way and the Princess (his big sister) just adores him!
It’s been a long 6 1/2 years but I finally got grandchild #2 and it’s a little boy! I’ve never had little boys in my household, so I am sure it will be a learning experience for me. With that said, I am up to the challenge to learn everything and anything that I need to learn when it comes to having a little boy around.
I’ve been a grandmother to one for so long now…that I finally and I mean FINALLY can say that I am a PROUD Grandmother to Two! Yay! I’ve got a grand daughter and a little grandson!
Well, there you have it…my “almost” Wordless Wednesday post for this week! Over the next many years…I’m sure you all will be seeing a LOT more pics of my two grandchildren here on the Two Classy Chics blog!