6 Suggestions to Remember Your Trip to Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv could be considered an infant considering the age of most cities in the Middle East. It was built on the outskirts of Jaffa, one of Israel’s oldest metropolises. In less than 50 years the two cities were merged into one municipality. Despite the age of Jaffa and the BCE history of Israel’s location, Tel Aviv boasts modern technological amenities, cosmopolitan attractions, and a hopping night life. Whatever pleasures you seek, you will want keepsakes of your time in Tel Aviv.

6 Suggestions to Remember Your Trip to Tel Aviv

Jot Notes

Writing letters, sending postcards, and keeping a journal or diary are probably some of the oldest forms of remembrance. They remain a quick, easy format that can be updated and personalized. For instance, you can pick up a pocket digital recorder almost anywhere for a very affordable price. Use it to voice record the sites and your thoughts during your sightseeing, plus anything else interesting. Texting is a modern convenience and a great way to store written information, but carrying your hotel’s notepads keeps paper handy just in case the battery runs dry.


Taking photos remains an extremely popular method for documenting a trip. Who wouldn’t want a picture of themselves relaxing on a Mediterranean beach or with the city’s unique architecture in the background? Great memories begin with where you stay while on vacation. For instance, if you book a room with Sea Executive Suites, a few selfies in the room and some panoramic views of the Mediterranean from the beachfront balcony are all you need to jog your memories.


Living pictures with sound make videos double the duty. As you record the view you will have sounds of the venue and verbal information you want to add along with the images. For example, Jaffa is purportedly the port where Jonah shoved off before meeting the whale. The tale becomes more realistic as you record the view and steadily lapping waves off a pier jutting into the Mediterranean.


Nothing prods memories like music. Music transports any person to almost any time or locale. Immerse yourself in Israeli music at local clubs, restaurants, and even elevators! Pick up a DVD or two during your stay. Use it for adding background to videos and/or digital photos to revisit your vacation many times over.


No cheesy souvenirs necessary with a little ingenuity. Think small like an astronaut. For example, Grissom carried rolls of dimes into space to bequest on reentry. Pick up pebbles along the beach or request business cards and take-out menus. Each is small, easily transportable, and frees up funds you can otherwise spend. On menus, circle your order, add personal notes to business cards, and add date and location with a permanent marker to pebbles.


Start with saving the receipt from your search for Tel Aviv Hotels. It will have more than the room cost succinctly transcribed on one page. For example, hipmunk search pages include tons of information, including nearby attractions, plus hotel and room amenities.

As a Mediterranean coastal city, Tel Aviv can’t be rivaled in fun and stimulating activities. Focus on your vacation, but document for future enjoyment.

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