Protect Your Back and Knees with the Ohuhu Garden Kneeler and Seat

Ohuhu Garden Kneeler and SeatMy husband and I are avid gardeners. We have 2 vegetable gardens and 6 flower gardens here on our property. Gardening is a lot of hard work but it’s something that we both enjoy doing. It gets us outside in the fresh air and it’s great for burning calories!

One of the things that a lot of gardeners struggle with is back and knee pain after spending a few hours in the garden. All of that kneeling, bending, twisting, etc. can really take a toll on your body. Not only that, who really wants to sit down on the ground in the first place? Not me!

Ohuhu Garden Beach and Kneeler

Well, I’ve got the perfect product for all of you who are looking to protect your back and knees while gardening and it’s called the Ohuhu Garden Kneeler and Seat. It comes fully assembled and in it’s folded up storage position, it takes up very little space!

This is a 2-in-1 product. You can use it as a seat and sit on it…or flip it around and kneel on it. How cool is that? Totally cool. It’s made out of steel piping which is very strong & durable…but yet, very light-weight so that you can transport it all around your yard.

Ohuhu Garden Beach and Kneeler

Each side has a nice cushion which really is soft and supportive. When you are sitting on it…it will hold up to 330 lbs. and there is an attached tool pouch on the side. It’s made out of canvas and will hold your gardening tools. Plus, you don’t have to worry about it getting dirty because you can just spray it down with your garden hose.

Besides using this item in the garden I want you to think about camping and RV’ing. We love to go traveling around in our camper and it makes a nice seat for when we are sitting around the campfire. Once folded up…it slips right into our little camper’s closet easily.

Hubby and I really love this item and we “bicker” who gets to use it when we head outside to do our garden work. I have to admit, 90% of the time..I win!

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Disclaimer: Shelly H. has personally reviewed the product listed above. Shelly has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Shelly did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. Thanks!