The Countdown is On! Less Than One Month to Go

8 Months Baby BumpTwo weeks ago we held my daughter’s baby shower and everyone in attendance had a great time! The decorations & party favors were adorable, the food was delicious and she got a lot of really nice baby shower gifts!

My “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post for this week features a photo of my daughter taken at the baby shower 2 weeks ago. She is 8 months pregnant and now the countdown has begun! That’s right…pretty soon her little bundle of joy will be arriving!

Her doctors are going to induce her early and we are waiting for the date to be set. With that said, Jaxon should be here within 2 1/2 weeks from today’s date and all of us are really excited to meet him!

My hubby is a HUGE Star Wars fan and bought the t-shirt that she is wearing in that photo specifically for her to wear during the baby shower. Boy…he was so proud that day to see her prancing around in the new tee that he had bought for her!

I will keep you all updated as we countdown these last few weeks of her pregnancy and I will definitely update the blog once baby Jaxon arrives. Once he is here…I will be taking some time off to help her once she comes home from the hospital and settles back in.

Shelly's Signature


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I am counting down for my first grandsons – to be born in less than a week. I love this photo of your daughter in her new T-shirt.

  2. I am counting down too–8 days for me!

    • How exciting! Please stop back after delivery and let us know how you and the baby is doing! do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?

  3. Cute shirt! I’m 4 weeks away from a scheduled c-section. It’s exciting!

  4. Very fun shirt – way to go Dad!

  5. Congrats! I love that T-shirt. Thank you for sharing this post.

  6. I am so happy for you and your family how exciting! Oh and I just love the shirt too cute.

  7. Joanne Gregory says

    So exciting for you and your family! Best wishes for a safe delivery and healthy baby and momma!

  8. Sandy Cain says

    SO exciting!! And Jaxon has a loving family waiting for him!! ((((HUGS))))

    • Thank you Sandy! We are so excited and I am getting a tad nervous too! It’s been a complicated pregnancy for her so she is ready to get it over with. Just praying for a safe delivery and a health baby boy!

      • Sandy Cain says

        Praying right along with you! Soon you’ll have your new grandson in your arms, how wonderful is that?? Lucky you, and your daughter is just lovely! I was at my prettiest when I was pregnant, and your daughter is glowing!