Preparing for Empty Nest Syndrome

Preparing for Empty Nest Syndrome

Oh gosh. I think it is going to happen sooner than I was expecting. My son is 19 and he is in college here locally. While he is planning on going to a school out of our area, I was not worrying about him leaving until next year. After all, I have plenty of time to prepare for the empty nest syndrome, right?? However, now he is talking about moving out with a friend. ACK!

While I know he will do great being the responsible kid that he is, I am nervous for him too! What if he doesn’t get to work on time? What if he picks up bad habits? What is he drops out of school or starts failing? Why can’ they stay young for longer??

Letting go and losing control is tough for parents! But now that I am facing the empty nest, how is my life going to change too?

I know my hubby and I have worked hard with our son and we are excited for him to take on this journey. Now we have to start planning for what we want to do with our lives. LOL Plus, how am I ever going to deal with the hubby continually by myself….haha! I know you know what I am talking about!

Help! What suggestions do you have for us as we start looking into the changes within these next few months and years?