Movie Date Night with Hubby – The Longest Ride

The Longest Ride on Movie DVDHow many of you hold regular date nights with your hubby, spouse or significant other? Here in our home…we hold date night at least once a week! Hubby and I have been married for almost 30 years and we have remained very much in-love with one another and we are each other’s best friend.

Part of our marital success is the fact that we’ve always taken time out for one another. Sure, we’ve been busy with our jobs, kids, house projects and just life in general but it’s extremely important that you take time out for one another on a regular basis if you want to have a happy & successful marriage. Too many couples today lose track of that and sadly…end in divorce.

Anyway, we have another date night planned for next weekend and are really looking forward to it. Here is what we will be doing:

* Dinner: Cooking dinner together and sitting down at the table and enjoying it over candlelight.

* Movie Time: We will be watching a complimentary copy of “The Longest Ride”. We will be munching on snacks & appetizers from Target throughout the movie and will be snuggled up on the sofa together. Awwww!

* Relaxation: We will hit the pool for a late-evening swim and will have the lights dim. After that…well, that is only for us to know!

After our date night has been completed I will be making another post here on the TwoClassyChics blog to let you know how it went and to give you our thoughts on the movie. Check back later this month for that!


Disclosure: Shelly H. will be receiving a “Date Night” package of goodies from the Fox Home Entertainment Insiders Club to use for her Date Night Party along with a copy of the DVD.