Week in Review May 22nd
Welcome to our Friday ~ Week in Review post! We will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!
Quote of the Week: You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul’s own doing. ~ Marie Stopes
New Reviews & Giveaways: (all links are in our right side bar)
Set of 4 Zoonicorns + Children’s Book
Whoopie Pie Baking Pan – Bakedeco
GC from ShoeBuy.com
The Best Baby Food Book with Recipes
Toy Tractor with Children’s Book
Product Reviews and Book Reviews:
Summer Toys from Learning Resources
Love and Miss Communication by Elyssa Friedland
Palmer’s Stretch Mark Beauty Products
Father’s Day Gifts from HomenYard
ScarAway Products
Jewelry from LILACLABEL
ILARY Perfume
Topganic Intensive Hair Repair
General Topic Posts:
Keeping up With Your Own Beauty Traditions
Fab Frugal Find – Candles from Kirklands
Kid’s Love Getting Snail Mail
WW The Lone Cypress
Keeping a Home Functional
Food and Recipes:
Chocolate Whoopie Pies Recipe
Gluten-Free Coconut Tres Leches Recipe
Fast and Easy Slow Cooker Recipe Roundup
We had another busy week here on the TwoClassyChics blog. Anything going on this weekend? We are going down to Lancaster Amish Country one day and then I have a ton of errands to do on the other. Lot’s of things to get done before we leave for our vacation next month. I am really looking forward to my 2 weeks off to relax & play in the sun! YAY!