Kid’s Love Getting Snail Mail
When I was a kid I loved getting things via postal mail from my friends & family. As I grew older, I obtained several pen pals and exchanged letters & little gifts with them via snail mail for many years. Even as an adult now…I prefer to send letters and cards via postal mail than send or receive via email. I love walking to my mailbox and finding something in there other than bills & junk mail. How about you?
Now that I am a grandparent…I’ve been instilling that same fun and love for postal mail onto my little grand daughter Gia. When she was about 2 years old we started regularly sending her letters, cards, postcards and little trinkets through the mail system. Matter of fact, two of my friends are her “big sister” pen pals and send her things in the mail too!
Last month the Princess walked to the mailbox with me and was pretty excited to find a new postcard in there from her Pen Pal Chris (hello Miss Chris). Once we got inside, she read that card over & over for about 30 minutes. Oh my gosh, you would of thought that Chris had sent her gold & diamonds (we hope those are coming next LOL) but it goes to show you that kid’s enjoy getting postal mail too!
This is a very rewarding experience for her and yes…she does send cards & goodies back to all of her pen pals and friends. I think in this day and age…it is important to go back to some old-fashioned things and introduce those to our children so that they can experience them & learn from them.
Do any of you do this with your children, grand children or with children of friends? I absolutely LOVE doing this and will introduce are little grandson to this too once he is old enough to participate. Your thoughts?