How To Dine Out When Dealing With Dietary Allergies

It can be a real pain when dealing with dietary issues. Special menus and dealing with who can eat this and not that is difficult. Eating out can be a bigger pain too! I know. Every place we eat, I have to try and make modifications to my meal so that I can eat something that has no gluten and no wheat. Sometimes it is easy; most of the time it is not. That is, until we tried out the cool new Interactive Allergen Menu at Red Robin.

Red Robin  - How To Dine Out When Dealing With Dietary Allergies

Did you know that May is National Allergy Awareness Month? To help you find somewhere that is easy to work with on your dietary restrictions and allergies, Red Robin’s Interactive Allergen Menu is a guide to finding all the great things you can eat — and avoid the things you can’t— so you and your family members won’t have to sacrifice when it comes to eating at Red Robin.

How To Dine Out When Dealing With Dietary Allergies

This is an App (called the Red Robin Customizer) that is easily accessible online from a mobile device or at home on your computer and it allows you to choose which allergens or ingredients to avoid. Once selected, the Interactive Allergen Menu builds custom dining options that fit your custom specific needs.

How To Dine Out When Dealing With Dietary Allergies - Red Robin Allergy Alert Receipt

It is super simple to use. There are a few steps that are shown in the photo set. This is from my mobile device that I had with me. You tell it what your allergens are and it will offer you specific choices. Plus when you share your allergy alert with your server, a message is printed on your receipt in red to alert the staff. Pretty cool!

Red Robin Low Carb Gluten Free Burger Interactive Allergen Menu

I knew what I wanted to eat and I had no issues skipping the wheat and gluten products in my meal. This is a great for when folks in the family have different dietary issues. In fact, AllergyEats, the leading guide to allergy-friendly restaurants nationwide – rated by people with food allergies, for people with food allergies, has recognized Red Robin as one of the “Most Allergy-Friendly Restaurant Chains,” for the last three years! That is impressive.


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