Two Classy Chics Week in Review April 10th

pink tulipsWelcome to our Friday ~ Week in Review post! We will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!

Quote of the Week: Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. ~ Oscar Wilde

New Reviews & Giveaways: (all links are in our right side bar)

Purex Crystals ScentSplash
Baby Blankets from Little Giraffe
Colgate Enamel Health Products
Miltons Gluten Free Crackers
Golden Girl Granola
Hair La Vie Supplement
Minted Custom Art G/C


Product Reviews and Book Reviews:

Troika by Adam Pelzman
FABY Italian Nail Lacquer
Yikes Twins Hooded Bath Towels
Rowenta Travel Iron
Lipstick Shades for Spring and Summer
When Grace Sings by Kim Vogel Sawyer

General Topic Posts:

Wedding Anniversary Celebrations
Tips for Buying Bicycle Helmets
Bayer K9 Advantix II Teams Up with K9s For Warriors
WW California Sunset

Food and Recipes:

Chex Muddy Buddies Recipe
Delicious and Easy Iced Tea Recipe

Wow! We had a super busy week here on the TwoClassyChics blog and next week we are packed to the gills again! We have some really neat things coming your way! We hope everyone has a great weekend!
