Springtime at the Jersey Shore

Springtime at the Jersey ShoreAs some of you know…my husband and I spend a lot of time down at the South Jersey Shore. Matter of fact, we are hoping to retire & move down there in 5-6 years (or) less if I have my way! LOL

So…let’s get on with my “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post for this week…shall we? We shall!

One of the things we love about the Jersey coast is all of the beautiful water fowl and coastal seabirds that live along the coast. There are several areas that are nature preserves and are protected which you can visit.

Last spring we took a nature walk tour and walked through one of the protected marsh areas and saw many coastal birds in their natural habitat. This photo shows 4 beautiful geese that we encountered that day and I was really surprised that they were not freaked out that we were there. Matter of fact, about 10 minutes after this photo was taken…they came even closer to us which was really nice.

How many of you enjoy hiking and walking the coastline? What about birding? We love to go bird watching too!!!
