How to Declutter Your Home
The busier life gets, the less time you have to take care of your home. When you keep your house and life organized, it’s easier to keep everything neat and to quickly find items when you need them. Follow these tips to keep the rooms in your home organized and clutter-free.
1. Turn all of your hangers around so that they face the wrong way. When you wear an item of clothing, put it back the correct way. At the end of one year, take everything you haven’t worn and donate it.
2. If your kitchen drawers are filled to the max with utensils, pour them all into a large cardboard box. Whenever you take a utensil out of the box and use it, return it to the drawer. At the end of two months, get rid of any utensils that are left in the box.
3. Go through your bathroom cabinets and throw out anything that has a past due expiration date. If the item doesn’t have a date on it, check with the manufacturer.
4. If you haven’t referred to your bills in the past year, chances are that there’s no reason to hold onto them. Go through your filing cabinet and get rid of anything that’s more than 12 months old. Make sure to shred the bills, since they have your personal information on them. If you feel more comfortable keeping some type of record, scan the bills and save them on your computer. Also, many companies now let you access your bills online, so they’re always there if you need to refer to them.
5. Label all of the boxes in your garage. Since you’ll only need them once a year or even less often, it’s easy to forget what you stored in each box. If you keep things labeled, you won’t make a mess when trying to locate something.
6. Every six months, go through your children’s toys. What have they grown out of? What are they no longer interested in? Go through the collection with your kids and decide what should stay and what should be donated, sold, or thrown out.
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