Easter Gatherings

It is hard to believe that Easter is already here. This year is going by so fast, it seems. It just hit me that I need to get to the store and shop for our weekend and meal! I think it is going to be pretty quiet around here. My son has to work so he will eat and be gone. Perhaps we will invite the neighbors over. They seem to enjoy it and we love their company. Now I need to decide on a menu. I know ham will be on it for sure!

Easterbunny And Eggs by Jeroen van Oostrom

Do you have big family gatherings on Easter? I know many families that will go to a park and have a huge picnic with all of the family. It seems like a smart thing to do when there are many. We usually go to church and I prepare something easy for breakfast and then eat our big meal in the mid afternoon. It works out well because then I only have 2 meals to prepare! Plus I have no little kids at home, so I don’t have to worry about the bunny thing anymore either. I do usually leave something out for the boys anyway. They get a kick out of it. 🙂

Share with us what is going on at your place this holiday? What’s on the menu? I need some ideas!!