Touring the Inside of Caves and Caverns

penn's cave 2Well, it is time for another “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post and photo and today I am featuring a photo that I took a few months ago when Hubby and I were on vacation up in State College PA.

Hubby and I love to take cavern and cave tours and had the opportunity to tour Penn’s Cave. The only way you can tour this one is by guided boat. A tour guide takes you into the cave & caverns via a motor boat and gives you the history of the cave. The entire tour takes about 40 minutes front start to finish.

Penn’s Cave is located in Centre Hall Pennsylvania which sits right outside of State College. In addition to the cave tour, they also run an outdoor wildlife park which is really fun too. After you are doing with your activities you can shop in their gift shop or grab a quick bite to eat from the cafe.

A lot of the Pennsylvania Caves & Caverns are open for tours year-round so it makes for a great family-friendly activity all year long. You can learn about the history of the cave and all about the ice crystal formations which is really cool to learn.

Anyway, that is my “Almost” Wordless Wednesday photo for this week. Do you enjoy taking tours of caverns and caves? If so, which ones are your favorites?
