Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flu season seems to last a lot longer. Where I live allergies make their presence known in a big way about this time too so sometimes it is hard to know what exactly is the issue. I know when my son was younger, it was tough staying healthy. He was always bringing something home. I know you can relate to that!

Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Looking for tricks and tips to stay healthy during the season was important. Here are some of the things we made sure to do:

* Pump up the vitamins especially C and E
* Wash hands more often
* Wipe down grocery carts every time
* Wipe off doorknobs, counters, tables and every other surface sticky fingers touch
* Boost nutrition through fresh veggies, fruits, and healthier meals
* Stay active and get outdoors for activities
* Stay away from others that are ill
* Don’t share food and beverages with other people.

Honestly, things turned around for me the most when I start wiping down the grocery carts. I have gotten sick within several hours of coming home from shopping several times and it totally grossed me out. Now that i take the time to use a wipe, I have not been sick in a few years. YAY!

What tips and tricks do you use that help you stay healthy this time of year?

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