Keep Your Documents Safe in a Security File Box

Keep Your Documents Safe in a Security File BoxEveryone has documents and files that they need to keep organized and secured in one way or another. These documents can simply be your birth certificates, social security information, home owner’s policy, insurance policy, banking information, tax records and so forth. It seems the paper trail is never ending & we all need a great way to secure them.

Of course, let’s not also forget that any digital files we have need to be stored safely and securely too, particularly those that contain sensitive information or are of any value, such as cryptocurrency. For the latter, you could make use of an app like OWNR Wallet to properly store any digital currency you may have acquired; as for files and documents, make sure that you password-protect anything really important, and keep on top of your general internet security.

However, we are focusing on physical paper documents for this particular post today.

So, with that in mind, let me introduce you to the Security File Box from Master Lock. This file box is ideal for storing important documents and personal files. It has a handle on the top which makes it totally portable and surprisingly, it’s very light-weight too.

master lock file box

Overall it measures 10 1/2″ by 13 1/2″ by 6″ in size. It features a locking cover with 2 spare keys for added security. There are built-in shelves for convenient file folder hanging (file folders are not included). It is made out of durable steel so it will last you for many years!

One of the things I love about it is it’s size. I can slide it underneath a bed, into a closet or sit it up on a shelf. It is compact but yet it will hold a lot of your personal and/or business documents. I appreciate that it comes with 2 keys…one for each spouse or one to be put away as a spare should the original become lost.

master lock metal box

2015 Tax Tips from Master Lock

No matter which life stage you are in this tax season, pay close attention to possible deductions and credits you may qualify for as you reach each new milestone**:

1. Recent College Graduates: Graduating from college is a great accomplishment, but many graduates face a mountain of debt owed on their student loans. Luckily, there are credits that could provide a tax break for young professionals this season.

Graduates who begin repaying their student loans may qualify for the Student Loan Interest Deduction, which would deduct up to $2,500 of qualified student loan interest. If you plan to continue your education, you may qualify for the Lifetime Learning Credit which can provide eligible students with a tax credit toward undergraduate, graduate or professional degree courses at an eligible educational institution.

2. Newlyweds: After exchanging rings and tossing the bouquet, newlyweds’ lives – and taxes – merge into one. Filing jointly with your spouse offers many advantages, and the IRS gives joint filers one of the largest deductions each year.

With a new marital status comes significant changes that could affect your taxes. It’s imperative for the names and Social Security numbers on your tax return to reflect your Social Security Administration (SSA) records. If you made changes to your name (Form SS-5) or address (Form 8822), you need to file the proper forms to notify the SSA and IRS. You should also notify your workplace to ensure your receive your W-2.

3. Parents: Raising a child to the age of 18 costs approximately $245,000 in today’s economy, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Parents can ease their burden by taking advantage of the Child Tax Credit, which offers a tax credit up to $1,000 per qualifying child. Additionally, parents who paid for child care in order to work may qualify for the Child and Dependent Care Credit, which reduces federal income tax.

4. Seniors (65+): As we age, it’s even more important to correctly prepare tax returns in order to receive the proper deductions and credits. Storing personal expenses and documentation in a secure location, such as the Master Lock Vault, will keep seniors’ personal information organized and eliminate the worry of lost or stolen paper documents that contain confidential information. If you want or need to store physical copies, keep them protected in a locking fire- and water-resistant Sentry Safe storage chest or safe.

Based on filing status, seniors may qualify for the Credit for the Elderly or Disabled (Forms 1040 or 1040A), and seniors who do not itemize their deductions receive a higher deduction amount. Seniors should also take advantage of free tax services, such as the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, which provides income tax preparation and electronic filing services, and Tax Counseling for the Elderly program, which focuses on pensions and retirement-related concerns.

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Disclaimer: Shelly H. has personally reviewed the product listed above. Shelly has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Shelly did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways. This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook or Google+ in any way. Thanks!