The Official Start of Spring 2015

pink tulipsToday is March 18th, 2015 and do you know what that means? Well, it means that the official start to Spring 2015 is only a few days away!!! After the absolutely CRAPPY winter we just had…I’ve been more than ready for Spring to arrive. How about you?

Now that Spring is only 2 days away…what kind of plans do you have for the season? Are you doing any Spring break traveling? Going to do any fun outdoor activities? What about getting things ready for your backyard garden?

Hubby and I will be taking a little getaway early next month and once we get back…we will be digging up the ground and getting things ready for our garden. This year we are expanding it and our garden will be twice the size of the one that we had last year. I am really excited about that!

We are also going hiking at the end of this month up in Northern PA. I am looking forward to being outdoors once again and breathing in some great fresh air and getting some much needed exercise. Tired of being cooped up inside!

Over the next few months we will be getting things ready for grandchild #2’s arrival which will be sometime in late August to early September. Hubby and I are both super excited to be getting another grandchild this year.

So, now that Spring is “almost” here…what are you excited about this season?
