Enjoy the Peace of a Breezy Home with Doorstops

Image Courtesy of: FreeImages.com
Image Courtesy of: FreeImages

Every year, spring and summer bring the opportunity to open up our homes after being cooped up all winter. Blooming flowers, freshly-cut grass, and the sounds of the world re-awakening are forever tied in our minds to magical days passed. Even something as simple as sipping coffee at the table while a morning breeze blows through the room is one of life’s rarest pleasures.

However, it isn’t uncommon for the enjoyment of this moment to be interrupted by a bang or a slam from somewhere in the house. Opening up our home to air it out means creating cross-winds, as these enter through one area of the home and exit from another. Often, doorways stand in that path. And if the wind catches that door, it’ll slam shut, or even worse, blow OPEN, putting a hole in the wall with its doorknob.

There is a simple solution, but it’s often one that people don’t fully embrace until they have their wits scared out of them from a slamming door, or they spend an afternoon patching a punctured wall. Doorstoppers are the biggest thing to remember when you’re going to open up your home and air it out. Be they the old-fashioned rubber wedges for under doors, or weighted forms that hold doors back, or even foam shapes that pinch against the top or side of doors and create padded, silent impacts, these products are your best line of defense when you want to enjoy the warm, pleasant outside air from inside your home all season.

Article submitted by The Foam Factory, an online source for home improvement and DIY materials, including door stoppers, child safety items, and even foam that’s perfect for corner pads or cushioning hard edges and low areas in the home.