Amusement Park Rides at Morey’s Piers

Morey's Piers Amusement Park in Wildwood, New JerseyEvery time we go down to the beach house we look forward to spending one afternoon at the water park and one evening riding the rides at Morey’s Piers. If you are familiar with Wildwood in New Jersey, you will know that Morey’s owns & operates several amusement piers with some of the most fantastic rides!

No vacation to the beach would be complete without riding a roller coaster, getting on the merry-go-round and taking a ride down one of the best water slides in the entire area. Our family just loves it!!!

There is something great about being on a ride and seeing the waves roll-in and the beach underneath you. Seriously, I much prefer the rides at a coastal resort than some carnival or park inland.

Do you enjoy visiting amusement parks? What do you think of the rides at coastal resorts? Love them or hate them? Got any favorite rides that you personally enjoy?

Well, that is my “Almost” Wordless Wednesday photo and topic for today!
