Girls Night Out – BUNCO Time!!!

Every once in a while I just have to get out. Get away from the guys and hang out with my girls. Do you know the feeling?
White Dice On A Black Background by m_bartosch freedigitalphotos
My girls and I love to get together whenever we can and play a few games of BUNCO. It is a fun dice game and no guys are allowed. So we can cut loose, have a few drinks and laugh all night long. It is a refreshing evening out that re-energizes me.

Tonight is my BUNCO night and I look forward to it all week long. My guys know not to expect me home early and I can just enjoy my time out. With all of us gals working different days and hours, it is hard to gather our team together so sometimes it can be 3-4 months in-between our girls night out, but that makes even more special.

Do you have a group of gals that you can get out with once in a while? What fun things do you enjoy doing for your evening out? I am getting out of here early today so I can prepare my Sweet N Sour Meatballs to take with me. YAY!

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