Dealing with Sinus Headaches Pressure and Pain
How many of you deal with chronic sinus headaches, pressure and pain? For me, I deal with it quite often (at least once a month) and lately, it has been driving me CRAZY!
For the past few weeks I’ve had a migraine at last twice a week, severe cheek pain and sinus drippage. OMG…it has been terrible.
My husband gets this way but only during the springtime when his seasonal allergies kick into high gear. He will suffer for about 2 months and then is done until next year. Lucky guy.
For myself…I’ve had issues with chronic sinusitis for the past few years. I will get a bad infection, treat it with antibiotics, get better and then the very next month it’s back!
With that said, I’ve been getting some relief by doing the following:
* Getting fresh air whenever I can
* Using a personal misting humidifier at night
* Using warm, moist compresses on my face
* Steaming my face in the shower (to drain sinus’)
For those of you who have this type of issue, what kind of things have you’ve been doing to help relieve some of the nasty and painful symptoms? How often do you get these symptoms and do you know what is triggering them?
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