Colman’s Mustard Spicy Chocolate Popcorn Recipe

Colman’s Mustard Spicy Chocolate PopcornEvery year National Popcorn Day is held on January 19th. Popcorn lovers all around the world celebrate this special day and today, we wanted to share a recipe with all of you from the great folks over at Colman’s mustard.

I know National Popcorn Day has come and gone for 2015 but there is no reason you can’t make this recipe all year long. Enjoy!

Colman’s Mustard Spicy Chocolate Popcorn Recipe

1 bag buttered popcorn
½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
¼ cup milk
2 tsp. Colman’s Mustard
1 tbsp. light Karo Syrup

Directions: Pop the popcorn according to package directions. In a small saucepan add the chocolate chips and heat on low. Add the milk and stir constantly until the chocolate is melted and smooth. Add the mustard and the Karo syrup. Mix well. Dump the popcorn into a bowl and pour chocolate mixture over popcorn. Mix well and let it sit till it cools.

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