Tips to Cut Spending to Save More Cash

I think we all have some things that we can cut spending on so we can save more for the things we love to do. Traveling, adding to a retirement account, even updating some things around the house comes to my mind. Sitting down and listing out everything you spend money on each month can be a real eye opener for some people. But it does allow you to see exactly where your money is going. Then you know where you need to cut.

Tips to Cut Spending to Save More Cash Hands With Scissors Cutting Us Dollar by Natara and freedigitalphotos

Here are some of my tips to cut spending to save more cash

Stretch the Food Budget

* One of the first things I look at in my budget is the food costs. It is getting higher every week it seems! So I look for ways I can stretch my food budget. Buying in bulk and repackaging is one way. Plus I make sure to have a few days a week where we eat meatless.

* Also I prepare extra on some meals and stash them in the freezer. Freezer cooking helps you save time and money by cooking several meals ahead and portioning it out for reheating later. Great for work nights when hubby has to cook!

* Another way I save on food costs is by drinking water. I use a refillable bottle and buy water in bulk (I refuse to drink our tap water. It’s nasty). Coffee on the run? I make it at home and take it with me.

Trimming the Beauty Routine

* I am forever looking for great beauty products but that does not mean I spend a lot on them. I have a few basics that I use daily and supplement with things I know work well, regardless of the cost. Being able to use a great cream that works vs. something cheap that does not will save you in the long run. A little of an expensive cream that lasts for 6 months is better than a lot of another cream that you have to replace in a month or two.

* I also simplified my routine and got rid of extra products that cost time and money. I look for products that have dual purpose and/or last a long time. Saved a ton of money that way!

* Take your exercise outside instead of in a gym. Walking, jogging, bike riding, tennis, swimming and others can all be done in your neighborhood for free or really cheap. Also, the workout DVD’s are great as are a lot of the streaming workout sites. Many of those are free or really inexpensive too.

* You can Save Money by Shopping Amazon for Best-Selling Beauty Products when buying in sets or looking for close-out specialty deals.

Save on Lifestyle Changes

* If you work close by, ditch the car and walk or cycle when you can. You save money and get in your exercise too!

* Getting crafty really helps save on gifts, decor, and maybe even sell your products and services for additional cash!

Remember to Focus Your Needs and Savings

* When listing out the must-haves in your budget, look to the needs first and then the wants. Saving money should be on your want list so making a plan to save a bit each month can become a priority. Determine how much you can save by trimming the fat and move that amount into a savings account. Even if it is $20 a month, it will add up!

Share with us some tips you have used to cut spending and saving cash!

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