10 Minute Walks with Leslie Sansone Mix & Match Walk Blasters

I do not know anyone that cannot fit 10 minutes into their busy day. 10 minutes to walk into a healthier lifestyle is a great start for beginners, intermediate walkers, and even advanced walkers who just need a quick boost. Now you can pop in this new DVD and get your body moving in a flash with the Leslie Sansone Mix & Match Walk Blasters workout dvd.
10 Minute Walks with Leslie Sansone Mix & Match Walk Blasters
I reviewed this dvd in depth a few months ago which you can check out in full here. I love the 10 minute segments. They are perfect for a quick workout, or you can do several and create your own custom workout too. Check out the line up:

* Light Walk!
* Brisk + Steady!
* Interval Walk!
* Short + Sweaty!
* Walk, Kick + Jab!
* Dance Walk!
* Tummy Trimmer!
* Lower Body Blast!
* Upper Body Blast!
* Flexibility Walk!

With the winter kicking our tails, it is easy to get a bit lazy so we are going to help you get back into the exercise mode with a giveaway of a copy of this DVD.

Disclaimer: Chris received product for the purpose of this post. Please read our Official Rules before entering this giveaway. All Content on this site is Copyright of the Two Classy Chics All Rights Reserved.