Family Traditions on Christmas Eve

Christmas Bauble by luigi diamantiand freedigitalphotos
I remember growing up think that the most exciting time of the holiday season was actually Christmas Eve. As a child of German heritage, Christmas Eve was our actual day to celebrate. In the evening, we would have a German meal of brats, Mom’s potato salad, and cold cuts, keeping it light and easy. We would then head for church and come home to open gifts. Christmas Day was spent with family and friends enjoying a lovely meal with all of the trimmings.

Today, I still keep those same traditions alive in my home, all the way down to preparing the same Christmas Eve dinner. We look forward to the delicious food from my moms recipe box and I am quite pleased that I am able to almost perfect her recipe for warm German potato salad! The smells remind me so much of home. My only disappointment is that I have not tried to perfect her Lebkuchen or other cookie recipes. Some day! Some day!

What are your traditions on Christmas Eve? It is time for family and friends, or a quiet time with immediate family? I know some people decorate the tree on Christmas Eve. I love to hear about other holiday traditions as everyone has a unique twist on the holiday festivities. Share yours with us! Merry Christmas!