The Praying Mantis – Creepy or Cute?
It’s time again for another “almost” Wordless Wednesday!!! Yay! Well, let’s get the show on the road, shall we?
Last month hubby and I were out in the yard hanging up our Halloween lights and doing various yard work. While we putting Halloween lights on our bushes near our front door we stumbled upon a Praying Mantis! I think some people call them Katydid.
Here in the state of Pennsylvania it is illegal to kill them and they are a protected species. This is the first time I have seen one up close and personal since I was a young kid. All of these years I have thought they were creepy & gross looking. However, now that I am an adult, I actually think the Praying Mantis is “kind” of cute.
Hubby left him crawl on his hand and arm for a minutes and then we took him and placed him in a different bush that was more secluded. Funny thing is…he wasn’t afraid of hubby at all and acted like a tamed pet or something! I think he/she fell in-love with my old man!
So, what do you think? Is the Katydid creepy or cute to you?
There you have it! Another almost Wordless Wednesday photo and post for this week!