It is Almost Christmas!

gia with snowmenIt is hard to believe but Christmas is only two days away! Are you ready for the holiday? Are you all done or are you rushing around to finish things up? Are you traveling for Christmas or staying home?

Since it is Tuesday evening you all know that means another “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post!

A few weeks ago I took this photo of the Princess Gia modeling near my new inflatable snowmen that I got at Kohl’s. She just loves them and every time she comes over we have to turn on all of our outdoor Christmas lights and get the inflatables running.

She really likes this particular set because she is just as tall as they are! She keeps trying to hide behind them but we see her and find her easily when we play hide-n-seek.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the holiday! Merry Christmas (2 days early).
