Mailbox Monday for December 15th

Every Monday, we love to share some of the neat things we got in our mailbox the previous week and we encourage all of you to tell us about the special things you got too! These special things can be gifts you received, special greeting cards or giveaways you won on the web! What about all of the freebies that showed up?

thirty-one toiletry bag black

Shelly ~ I am a big lover of Thirty-One Gifts products and fell in-love with their products shortly after they came on the direct sales scene. Over the years I have purchased many of them and just love them. Well, recently I did some blogging work for a promo they were doing (I featured that promo here on the blog) and I got a nice surprise in my mailbox last week to thank me. I got a gorgeous black & white chevron striped toiletry bag to use when we travel. I love all of the organizing features inside this bag and they embroidered an “S” on the front. LOVE IT!

So…what did you get in your mailbox last week? Come on now, we want to hear all about it. Here is your time to brag and shine about all those great goodies you received!
