Decorating for Christmas

Christmas Decoration by Feelart and freedigitalphotos
It is the first weekend in December so reality that Christmas and Hanukkah is right around the corner is in our face! I know in my neighborhood, this is the weekend that many of the house lights and decorations start to go up. I usually start pulling my decorations out this week too. Some of the houses are already decorated and I see Christmas tree lights shining through the windows too. Several people I know decorate over the Thanksgiving weekend.

I love the Christmas season. Shelly makes fun of me because I will start listening to Christmas music in October! LOL I love lots of lights on my tree and simple, but beautiful decorations. White, silver, gold, and clear ornaments are usually what I hang so I get lots of shine and shimmer in the lights. Colorful decor in my living room and kitchen makes me happy too.

When do you start decorating for Christmas? Are you a fan of lots of decorations or just a few? What is your favorite holiday ornament or decoration that you display during the holiday season?

Christmas time is full of great holiday memories that make me smile. Stop and think about your favorite memories for a smile today!